For Mother's Day I received the bike I've been not so subtly dropping hints about for the last year and a half. I wanted the bike for 2 reasons, first Ry loves to ride bikes, he and his dad went for bike rides all the time last year and I was left out because I didn't have a bike. The second reason is because I am actively trying to lose weight right now and I wanted it as a means of exercise. I've had it now for a total of 10 days, and yesterday was the first day I was able to take it out for exercise. It was pretty great, up until I was riding a trail at the park near my house. My ipod earphone cord was tangled up so I tried tugging it loose, at the same time I was coming around a corner where it starts to go down hill. I got a little nervous so I squeezed my brakes, maybe just a little too hard, my front brakes at that. I wobbled and then went straight over the handle bars. I did manage to miss the tree that I was headed straight for, I'm not exactly sure how, flipped over and landed right on my back. Fortunately, I don't think there were any witnesses, and other than some minor scrapes and bruises I am fine, as was my bike. I was able to get back on and ride home, albeit a bit sore.
When I got home, and told my husband what happened, after making sure I was okay, he just shook his head. When he got me the bike his two main concerns were that either I'd never ride it or I'd kill myself on it. I'm known to be a bit clumsy. Ryan's response priceless:
" Mommy, you need 4 wheels on your bike like mine!"
Yes, my son suggested I get some training wheels.
To which his father promptly agreed.
Like I said, it was just a matter of time!